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Published on
February 23, 2024
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CHOIR NEWS - Congratulations to Capella Choir for earning a Division One (Excellent) rating for their performance and sight reading at District Choral Festival held at Caledonia High School on February 21. This marks the 30th consecutive year the Capella Choir has earned an Excellent Rating at this District choral competition! Great job Cougars!

MODEL UN NEWS - The Catholic Central Model United Nations Team is looking for a few more members who can compete at the MSUMUN Conference (@ MSU) on March 15-17. Model UN is great for developing confidence in thinking, writing, and speaking. (And it’s a lot of FUN!) It also look awesome on your academic resumé. Stop by Mr. Schrems room (306) for more information and a permission slip!

SANP INFO - We are excited to celebrate our Seniors at the Senior All Night Party held after graduation! Plans have been made and we look forward to a memorable night! Our two goals for the event are to give ALL of the graduates a fun evening to celebrate together one last time and to keep everyone safe. With just over 3 months until Graduation, the SANP committee needs your help with a final push in registrations. 

  • Registration - We don’t want anyone to miss out! Register today!
  • At this time, we have just under half of the senior class registered.
  • Online registration can be found HERE

AP RESEARCH - Earn up to two donuts from Krispy Kreme! Charlie Lindemann is conducting a study about the phenomenon of “choking under pressure” in high school sports for his AP Research project. Only athletes that have experienced this phenomenon may participate in his study. If this applies to you, please consider printing and filling out the consent form with parent permission. Signed consent forms can be turned in to Mrs. Swiatek. You will get an email from Charlie asking you to fill out a Google Form, and another follow-up form once he has all of his results. Each survey completed will earn you a donut from Krispy Kreme. Keep an eye on your email if you plan to participate!

AP RESEARCH - Lainey Behmer is performing an AP Research project about the relationship between politics, religion, and abortion-related terms. If you're interested in participating in the study, please fill out the consent form and bring it with you to the Focus Time on Thursday (2/15) where you'll complete the survey. You can print the consent form by clicking on this link, or come and see Lainey for one. Hope to see you on Thursday! 

AP RESEARCH - Opportunity to Earn Money! Andy Quint is issuing surveys to study how stressed our students are at CC. If you participate, you will be placed into a drawing to receive a $10 Amazon gift card. To participate, sign the following form and have a parent sign. The study will be two surveys that will be taken during a focus period on Thursday 2/22. Consent Form

FASHION CLUB NEWS - The Fashion Club is currently in need for models, ladies and gentlemen, to participate in a fashion show that is being held by the CC Fashion Club on April 13th. No experience necessary, but certainly welcomed! This is the the sign up form for anyone interested: 

COLLEGE FAIR - National Christian College Fair - West Michigan is next month Wednesday, March 13, 2024 from 6:30pm - 8:30pm hosted at Grand Rapids Christian High School, Quest Center, 2300 Plymouth Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506.  Register to attend this free college event here.

SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - For the complete list of scholarships, students can view the list HERE.

BEGINNING WITH BREAKFAST - A hot breakfast of the chef’s choice will be offered daily. All breakfast combos are served with fruit, juice, and milk


  • Friday, February 23 - Cheese Pizza, Veggie, Fruit
  • Monday, February 26 - Pulled Pork Cubano (Ham, Cheese, & Pickle), Sun Chips, Watermelon
  • Tuesday, February 27 - Beef & Cheese Burrito, Black Bean & Corn Salsa, Grapes, Churro
  • Wednesday, February 28 - Pasta Primavera, Breadstick, Fruit Cup
  • Thursday, February 29 - Chicken & Waffle Bites, Veggie Juice, Apple, Frog Jello
  • Friday, March 1 - No School

BLESSING OF THE DAY - May the God of Play be with you, amusing you and exciting you, bringing you to wonder, appreciation, and happy anticipation, calling you to be free and spontaneous. May this playful God help you to let go of all that keeps you from celebrating the presence of God in your life and may you be that presence to all you meet. May the blessing of Play be on you. --Maxine Shonk, OP