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Lenten Project 2023

Published on
March 1, 2023
Written by
Scout Tosi

As the season of Lent begins, we are working to give students numerous opportunities to engage with the three pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Each week of Lent will have a different focus

Prayer: Catholic Central will engage in multiple, intentional forms of prayer, including a daily Morning Examen, daily examination of conscience and Act of Contrition (joining all GR diocesan schools), weekly Mass, Stations of the Cross, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Students will also have the opportunity to read and engage in dialogue about Holy Moments by Matthew Kelly together.

Students will learn more about two organizations with which CC works closely: Kids’ Food Basket and Haiti Needs You. We will also discuss Catholic Central’s first international mission trip to the Dominican Republic on which a group of staff and students will be embarking toward the end of Lent.

In addition to looking outward, we’ll also look inward by participating in a Wellness Week, where students focus on wellness in many areas of their lives: spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. In learning more about these areas, we’ll be able to pray for those organizations, near and far, and for the people around us in more intentional ways.

Fasting: We will be asking students to consider what they may be able to fast from that will help them to save a few dollars to donate over the season of lent. Some suggestions include fasting from a weekly coffee or fast food trip, the extra drink from the lunch room, or that gas station slurpee purchase. We want to encourage them to consider what they may be able to sacrifice and replace it with prayer for others like one of the organizations we will be learning about in the coming weeks.

Almsgiving: Towards the end of this lenten season, we’ll be engaging with the pillar of almsgiving and asking for a donation from each student that will be given to support Haiti Needs You and Kids’ Food Basket.

We’ll be sharing weekly updates so that families can learn right alongside their students, and know what’s happening in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on the Cougar Parent News to see these updates and different ways you can be involved over this Lenten season.

In Christ,

Tiffany Marrinan, Principal

Dcn. Dennis Rybicki, Director of Campus Ministry